Friday, December 30, 2011

Top 10 of 2011-My Shortlist.

I remember sitting in Ms. Copeland's World History class at the end of a school year writing a top ten list of reasons why I was glad junior year was over. I've come a long way (that was almost 10 years ago,) but I still think it's good to reflect on the year that's almost done. Coming up with just 10 things wasn't easy for me, but it was a much welcomed break at work!

10. Frozen Yogurt- Where I live is several years behind any west coast trends. So while my California homies are already scoffing at Pink Berry, we are just now obsessing over it. I drove way too far way too many times to score a delicious $6.00 cup of yogurt from Yogen Fruz or Menchies. 

9. Livio Radio- Hello, my little friend from Detriot that makes it possible for me enjoy Pandora, KCRW and BBC in the comfort of my Florida home. Best Christmas present EVER! A friend had one of these and I was coveting it like a mofo all year. Then one day he got me one as a combo 2 year's of good life choices/Christmas gift!! Sweetness! Now my mom's got her eyes on one. Next Christmas, Mom. 

8. All things start up. Birchbox (see #4), Warby Parker, Airbnb,, Zynga, Spotify – Oh my! I’m obsessed with all things start-up-ish. Dream job much?Yes! I will be a part of one of these one day.

7. Rachy. My bestie. We met over a side of alfredo dipping sauce at the great Gwendolyn’s birthday. Not sure where my life would be without her. Love trudging this road with her at my side. There are not many people where laughter until my abs hurt like a post Vinyasa class are a guarantee, but with Rachy it happens every time. Much love boo!

6. Twin Peaks- I watched every episode. I know who killed Laura Palmer. I don’t know who put the fish in the percolator. I fell in love with David Lynch and pie. I couldn’t experience this masterpiece in 90’ and 91’ when it aired because a kindergartner watching this would’ve been socially unacceptable and may have affected me negatively, but I’m all caught up now! 

5. Big Sur- I am had over heels in love with this magical place. Stayed at the Ventana Inn where it’s totally socially acceptable to walk around in a fluffy white bathrobe all day, caught Little Dragon’s show at the majestic Henry Miller Library, ate at the Big Sur Bakery and Nepenthe, and soaked under the stars in the healing waters at Esalen. So grateful I got to go and extra grateful for the good company I had. 

4. Birchbox- I am obsessed with all things beauty, especially new things that most people don’t know about yet. I am also obsessed with samples and remember as a tween trying to conjure up ways to score high end samples from the snotty ladies at the department store counters. Enter BirchBox. High-end samples delivered to my door monthly. I was hooked and sent these ladies multiple e-mails about how in love with their product I was. It’s a monthly present to myself. As a single momma I don’t buy myself a lot of shit, so this is a non-guilty indulgence for me. I’ve discovered so many great products from them including three that are in my daily routine:

  • ·     Laura Geller Spackle Tinted Under Makeup Primer in Bronze – I live in Florida. We have dank heat most of the year. I put on my makeup, cake on powder, walk outside and I’m a hot sweaty mess. I used this and by the end of an 8 hour workday my skin looked really, really  good. I bought the full size product ASAP and use it daily.
  • ·     Harvey Prince perfume- Birchbox sent me Eau de Flirt, then I scored a free sample of Eau de Crème from HP direct. These perfumes are the ones you wear and strangers in the elevator say “What are you wearing?” or “You smell really good.”
  • ·     Amika Hair Oil- I’m a grease ball. You might as well know it now. So the thought of any oil scared me. However this stuff smells amazing and makes me hair look and feel amazing. I’m really low maintenance with my hair. I’ll wash it and put something it in. I might blow dry it, but never all the way because that takes too long. This product gives me results like I had gotten a blow out without doing any of the work.

3.  Oakland, CA. I think it might just be the greatest city in America. I liked it so much I decided to move there. I’ll let you know when that happens.
There are way too many wonderful things in Oakland to list them all, so I’ll give you a short list of foods one must touch:

  •  Spettro for yummy Italian food – the rosemary rolls are to die for, good ambiance too.
  • Genova Deli – I dream of this place, I wish I could stock up on groceries from here and eat for day, just don’t ask them to check the total they gave you.
  • Bake Sale Betty’s- I’ve only ever had their chocolate chip cookies, but I love Betty’s blue hair and the fact that sometimes I line forms out front while the staff does a sandwich check to see how many are left.
  • True Burger. See my Yelp Review…actually see ALL the Yelp reviews. Best burger ever. Full of Oakland flava. The music they play kills me and their milkshakes will bring all the boys to the yard..or to Dimond Park.

There are more things I’d like to do in Oaktown, like run around Lake Merritt, try yoga at the Monkey Yoga Shala, and eat myself into a coma, but there’s time for all January cause I'm coming back.

2. Yoga. Thanks to my friend Stephanie, who saved my life then ditched me for San Diego, my crazy mind and I scored some free yoga sessions she had left over from the Iyengar based Health and Harmony Center. My life changed after that first class with Brittany. I hope to keep deepening my knowledge and my practice in 2012.   Yoga is pretty imperative to my sanity. I also dig the Yoga Tree whenever I’m in San Francisco.  Most recently I got a taste of Ashtanga bliss and subsequent pain at The Yoga Sanctuary in Punta Gorda.

Another couple favorite yoga-ish things from 2011? Hey YogaGirl and how could I leave out homeboy’s ad trying to sell his mat post Bikram

In all seriousness, which is really hard for me, yoga has changed my life. I don’t work out. As much as I want to go for a run, I’m probably not going to keep up with that mess. Almost a year later, I’m still doing yoga. That in itself is a miracle.

1. Two Years trudging the road to happy destiny. If you don’t know, it’s okay and if you do, keep on it, it’s so worth it.  Happy 2012 everyone! I cannot wait to see what this life has coming for me and H! I'm so grateful for each and every person trudging this road has put in my life. Much love homies. See ya' next year!